The Johannine Bibliography WebPages
compiled by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
The Epistles/Letters of John
Contents of This Page:
NEW WORKS Published 2000-2006
English-Language Publications 1800-1999
Foreign-Language Publications 1800-1999
Selected Older Publications (pre-1800)
- Click on the underlined REVIEWS below to link
to online reviews of these books, if available.
- Some of the books on these lists also cover the Gospel
according to John, as marked below.
NEW WORKS Published since 2000:
- Akin, Daniel L. 1,2,3 John: An Exegetical and Theological
Exposition of Holy Scripture. The New American Commentary, 38. Nashville: Broadman
& Holman, 2001. -- REVIEW
in RBL 10/02
- Aland, Barbara, et al., eds. First Letter of John.
Novum Testamentum Graecum, Editio Critica Maior, 4. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft,
- Barclay, William. The Letters of John and Jude.
3rd ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2002.
- Beutler, Johannes. Die Johannesbriefe. Regensburger
Neues Testament. Regensburg: Pustet, 2000.
- Boice, James Montgomery. The Epistles of John: An Expositional
Commentary. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004.
- Bray, Gerald Lewis and Thomas C. Oden, eds. James,
1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude. Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament,
11. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000.
- Callahan, Allen Dwight. A Love Supreme: A History of
the Johannine Tradition. Minneapolis: Fortress, (forthcoming 2005). [also
on the Gospel]
- Culpepper, R. Alan, ed. The Johannine Literature: With
an Introduction by R. A. Culpepper. Sheffield New Testament Guides. Sheffield:
Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. - a compendium of the "Sheffield NT Guides"
on the Fourth Gospel, Johannine Epistles, and Book of Revelation, authored
by Barnabas Lindars, Ruth B. Edwards, John M. Court. -- REVIEW
by Craig Koester in RBL 7/01
- Culy, Martin M. 1, 2, 3 John: A Handbook on the Greek
Text. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2004.
- Evans, Craig A., ed. The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary: John's Gospel, Hebrews-Revelation. Colorado Springs: Victor, 2006.
- Griffith, Terry. Keep Yourselves from Idols: A New Look
at 1 John. JSNTSup, 233. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. -- two REVIEWS
in RBL 9/03 & 6/04
- Hill, Charles E. The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. - one REVIEW
at RBL
- Ihenacho, David Asonye. The Community of Eternal Life:
The Study of the Meaning of Life for the Johannine Community. Lanham, MD: University
Press of America, 2001. - also on the Gospel
- Ironside, Henry Allan. The Epistles of John and Jude.
Rev. ed. with intro. by John Phillips. Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux, 2000 (orig. 1931).
- Kenney, Garrett C. Leadership in John: An Analysis of
the Situation and Strategy of the Gospel and the Epistles of John. Lanham,
MD: University Press of America, 2000.
- Kenney, Garrett C. The Relation of Christology to Ethics
in the First Epistle of John. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2001.
-- two REVIEWS
in RBL 1/02
- Kruse, Colin G. The Letters of John. Pillar New
Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans; Leicester, England: Apollos, 2000.
-- REVIEW by
Alicia Batten in RBL 4/02
- Lewis, Scott M. The Gospel according to John and the
Johannine Epistles. New Collegeville Bible Commentary, 4. Collegeville, MN:
Liturgical Press, 2005.
- Lieu, Judith M. I, II, and III John. The NT Library.
Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, (forthcoming).
- Lightner, Robert. The Epistles of First, Second &
Third John & Jude: Forgiveness, Love, and Courage. Chattanooga, TN: AMG
Publishers, 2003.
- Moon-Geoung, Kim. Zum Verhältnis des Johannesevangeliums
zu den Johannesbriefen: Zur Verfasserschaft der 'johanneischen' Schriften in der
Forschung. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2003.
- Painter, John. 1, 2, and 3 John. Sacra Pagina, 18.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2002.
- Phillips, John. Exploring the Epistles of John: An Expository
Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2003.
- Rensgerger, David K. The Epistles of John. Westminster
Bible Companion. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2001.
- Schmid, Hansjorg. Gegner im 1. Johannesbrief? Zu Konstruktion
und Selbstreferenz im johanneischen Sinnsystem. Beitrage zur Wissenschaft vom
Alten und Neuen Testament, 159. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2002.
- Schlosser, J. The Catholic Epistles and the Tradition.
Bibl. Eph. Theol. Lovan, 176. Leuven: Peeters, (forthcoming).
- Scholtissek, Klaus. In ihm sein und bleiben: Die Sprache
der Immanenz in den johanneischen Schriften. Herders Biblische Studien, 21.
Freiburg; New York: Herder, 2000. - also on the Gospel
- Talbert, Charles H. Reading John: A Literary and Theological
Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles. Rev. ed. Macon,
GA: Smyth & Helwys, 2005.
- Thomas, John Christopher.
The Pentecostal Commentary on the Johannine Epistles. New York: Sheffield
Academic, 2003.
- Thomas, John
Christopher. The Pentecostal Commentary on 1 John, 2 John, 3 John. London:
T & T Clark, 2004; and Cleveland: Pilgrim, 2004. -- separate REVIEWS of the British and
American editions
in RBL
- Uebele, Wolfram. Viele Verfuhrer sind in die Welt ausgegangen:
Die Gegner in den Briefen des Ignatius von Antiochien und in den Johannesbriefen.
Beitrage zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, 151. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer,
Commentaries, Monographs, and other
Books Published in English from 1800 to 1999:
- Alexander, Neil. The Epistles of John: Introduction
and Commentary. Torch Bible Commentaries. London: SCM Press; New York: Macmillan,
- Alexander, William. The Epistles of St. John: Twenty-One
Discourses, with Greek Text, Comparative Versions, and Notes Chiefly Exegetical.
The Expositor's Bible. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1889;
New York: A. C. Armstrong, 1903.
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Love One Another,
My Friends: St. Augustine's Homilies on the First Letter of John: An Abridged English
Version. Ed. by John Leinenweber. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.
- Baird, J. Arthur, J. David Thompson,
and David Noel Freedman. A Critical Concordance to I, II, III John, Jude.
Wooster, OH: Biblical Research Associates, 1991.
- Barclay, William. The Letters of John and Jude.
Daily Study Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960; repr. 1976.
- Barclay, William. 1 John - Jude. New York: State
Mutual Book & Periodical Service, 1993.
- Barker, C. J. The Johannine Epistles. Lutterworth
Commentary. London: Lutterworth Press, 1948.
- Barker, Glenn W. "1, 2, 3 John." In Expositor's
Bible Commentary: with the New International Version of the Holy Bible (ed.
Frank E. Gaebelein, et al.; 12 vols.; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976-1992), vol.
12, pp. 293-380?
- Barnes, Albert. Notes, Explanatory and Practical,
on the General Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude. New York : Harper, 1847;
repr. 1865.
- Barnes, Peter. Knowing Where We Stand. Welwyn Commentary.
Darlington: Evangelical Press, 1998.
- Barton, Bruce B. 1, 2 & 3 John. Life Application
Bible Commentary. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1998.
- Bateman, John J., trans., ed. New Testament Scholarship:
Paraphrases on the Letters to Timothy, Titus & Philemon, the Letters of Peter
& Jude, the Letter of James, the Letters of John, & the Letter to the Hebrews.
Collected Works of Erasmus, 44. Cheektowaga: University of Toronto, 1993.
- Benham, William. The Johannine Books. London: J.M.
Dent; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1902; microform, 1989.
- Bennett, William Henry. The General Epistles: James,
Peter, John, and Jude : Introduction, Authorized Version, Revised Version, with
Notes, Index and Map. London: Caxton; New York : Henry Frowde, 1901.
- Braun, F. M. Mother of God's People. Trans. by
John Clarke. Staten Island, NY: Alba House, 1967. [also on the Gospel]
- Braune, Karl, and J. I. Mombert. The Epistles
General of John. New York: Charles Scribner, 1867.
- Breck, John. Spirit of Truth: The Holy Spirit in Johannine
Tradition. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991. [also on
the Gospel]
- Brooke, Alan England. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary
on the Johannine Epistles. International Critical Commentary. New York: C. Scribner's
Sons, 1912; repr. 1994.
- Brown, Raymond Edward. The Community of the Beloved
Disciple. New York: Paulist, 1979. [also on the Gospel]
- Brown, Raymond E. The Epistles of John. Anchor
Bible, 30. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982.
- Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel and Epistles of
John: A Concise Commentary. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1988.
- Brown, Raymond E. The Importance of Jesus for the Johannine
Community in Its Last Hour [sound recording]. New Haven: Yale Divinity School,
1978. [also on the Gospel]
- Brown, Raymond E., and James H. Charlesworth. John
and Qumran. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1972. [also on the Gospel]
- Bruce, F. F. The Epistles of John. Old Tappan,
NJ: F. H. Revell, 1971.
- Bruce, F. F. The Epistles of John: Introduction, Exposition,
and Notes. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979.
- Bultmann, Rudolf Karl. The Johannine Epistles: A Commentary
on the Johannine Epistles. Hermeneia Commentary Series. Ed. by Robert Funk.
Trans. by R. Philip O'Hara, et al. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1973.
- Burdick, Donald W. The Letters of John the Apostle:
An In-depth Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1985.
- Burge, Gary M. The Anointed Community: The Holy Spirit
in the Johannine Tradition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987. [also on the
- Burge, Gary M. The Letters of John: From Biblical Text
to Contemporary Life. NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
- Calvin, John. 1, 2 & 3 John.
Crossway Classic Commentaries. Wheaton: Crossway, 1998.
- Cameron, Robert. The First Epistle of John, or, God
Revealed in Life, Light, and Love. Philadelphia: A.J. Rowland, 1899.
- Candlish, Robert S. Commentary on First John. Grand
Rapids: Kregel, 1992.
- Candlish, Robert S. First John. Carlisle: Banner
of Truth, 1993.
- Charlesworth, James H., ed. John and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
New York: Crossroad, 1990; enlarged ed. of Brown & Charlesworth, 1972.
[also on the Gospel]
- Clark, Gordon H. First John. 2nd ed. Hobbs: Trinity
Foundation, 1992.
- Coleman. Mastering Basics: I John. Littleton: Serendipity,
- Combs, Rodney. First, Second, & Third John.
Shepherd's Notes. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1998.
- Conner, Walter Thomas. The Epistles of John. 2nd
ed. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1957.
- Crane, Thomas E. The Message of St. John: The Spiritual
Teaching of the Beloved Disciple. New York: Alba House, 1980. [also on
the Gospel]
- Crehan, Joseph. The Theology of St. John. New York:
Sheed and Ward, 1965. [also on the Gospel]
- Culpepper, R. Alan. 1 John, 2 John, 3 John. Knox
Preaching Guides. Atlanta: John Knox, 1985.
- Culpepper, R. Alan. The Gospel and Letters of
John. Interpreting Biblical Texts. Nashville: Abingdon, 1998. -- REVIEW
by M.C. deBoer in RBL 2/00
- Denny, Randal E. Alive & Well: A Study of the Church
- First John. Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 1993.
- Dietrich, Suzanne de. This We Know: A Study of the
Letters of John. Richmond: John Knox, 1963.
- Dodd, C. H. The Johannine Epistles. Moffat NT Commentary,
19. London, Hodder & Stoughton; New York: Harper,
- Eaches, O. P. I., II. and III.
John, Jude, and Revelation: A Popular Commentary upon a Critical Basis, Especially
Designed for Pastors and Sunday Schools. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication
Society, 1910; microform, 1989.
- Eaton, M. First, Second & Third John. Focus
on the Bible Commentary. Belleville: Spring Arbor, 1996.
- Ebrard, Johann Heinrich August, and William Burt Pope.
Biblical Commentary on the Epistles of St. John, in Continuation of the Work
of Olshausen: With an Appendix on the Catholic Epistles, and an Introductory Essay
on the Life and Writings of St. John. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1860.
- Edanad, Antony. Christian Existence and the New Covenant.
Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1987.
- Edwards, Ruth B. The Johannine Epistles. NT Guides.
Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996.
- Ellis, E. Earle. The World of St. John: The Gospel
and the Epistles. London: Lutterworth; New York: Abingdon, 1965; Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 1984.
- Feuillet, André. Johannine Studies. Staten Island,
NY: Alba House, 1965. [also on the Gospel]
- Findlay, George Gillanders. Fellowship in the Life
Eternal: An Exposition of the Epistles of St. John. London & New York: Hodder
& Stoughton, 1909.
- Flanagan, Neal M. The Gospel according to John
and the Johannine Epistles. Collegeville Bible Commentary, 4. Collegeville,
MN: Liturgical Press, 1983.
- Forbes, Henry Prentiss. The Johannine Literature and
the Acts of the Apostles. New York: G.P. Putnam, 1907; microform, 1985.
- Friess, Edward A. Ten Ways Christians Maintain Confident
Fellowshipping with the Father, His Son Jesus Christ & His Church: A Study in
1 John 1: 1 - 2:29. Carpinteria: Edward A. Friess, 1996.
- Friess, Edward A. Ten Sure-Fire Confidence Builders
from God: A Study in 1 John 3:1 - 4:6. Carpinteria: Edward A. Friess, 1996.
- Friess, Edward A. Thirteen Ways to Confident Faith:
A Study in 1 John 4:7 - 5:21. Carpinteria: Edward A. Friess, 1997.
- Froehlich, Samuel Heinrich. Meditations on the Epistles
of John: Meditations of S. H. Froehlich delivered in Zürich in the years 1840-1842.
Syracuse, NY: Apostolic Christian Publ. Co., 1958.
- Fulco, William J. Maranatha; Reflections on the Mystical
Theology of John the Evangelist. New York: Paulist, 1973. [also on the
- Gebhardt, Hermann. The Doctrine
of the Apocalypse, and Its Relation to the Doctrine of the Gospel and Epistles
of John. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1878; microform, 1985.
- Gloag, Paton J. Introduction to the Johannine Writings.
London: James Nisbet, 1891; microform, 1985.
- Gooding, Arthur M. S. "Epistles of Peter, John &
Jude." In: What the Bible Teaches: with the Authorized Version of the Bible
(Ritchie NT Commentaries; ed. Tom Wilson; Kilmarnock, Scotland: J. Ritchie, 1983-).
- Gore, Charles. The Epistles of St. John. London:
J. Murray, 1920.
- Grant, Frederick C. The Gospel of John in the
King James Version with Introduction and Critical Notes. 2 vols. in 1. Sub-title
of vol. 2: "The Epistles of John, I John, II John, III John." New York: Harper,
- Grayston, Kenneth. The Johannine Epistles: Based on
the Revised Standard Version. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984.
- Green, Arthur Vincent. The Ephesian Canonical Writings:
An Elementary Introduction to the Gospel, Epistles, and Apocalypse Commonly
Attributed to the Apostle John. London: Williams and Norgate, 1910; microform,
- Haas, C., Marinus de Jonge, and J. L. Swellengrebel.
A Translator's Handbook on the Letters of John. London: United Bible Societies,
- Hastings, James. James to Jude. Vol. 19 of
The Great Texts of the Bible. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1912; New York: Scribner,
- Harris, Ralph W., ed. Hebrews, James, I & II Peter,
I, II, III John, Jude. Complete Biblical Library, NT, 9. Springfield: Gospel
Publishing House, 1991.
- Hengel, Martin. The Johannine Question. London:
SCM Press; Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1989. [also on the Gospel]
- Hiebert, D. Edmond. The Epistles of John: An Expositional
Commentary. Greenville: Bob Jones University, 1991.
- Hodges, Zane C. The Epistles of John: Walking in the
Light of God's Love. Grace New Testament Commentary. Irving, TX: Grace Evangelical
Society, 1999.
- Houlden, J. L. A Commentary on the Johannine Epistles.
Harper's NT Commentaries. New York: Harper & Row, 1973.
- Houlden, J. L. A Commentary on the Johannine Epistles.
Black's NT Commentaries. Rev. 2nd ed. London: A & C Black, 1994.
- Humphries, A. Lewis. St. John, and other New Testament
teachers. Century Bible Handbooks. London; Edinburgh: T.C. & E.C. Jack,
- Ironside, Henry Allan. Addresses on the Epistles of
John, and an Exposition of the Epistle of Jude. New York: Loizeaux Brothers,
1949; 9th ed. 1962.
- Jackman, David. The Message of
John's Letters: Living in the Love of God. Leicester, England; Downer's Grove,
IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988.
- Jacoby, Douglas. Life to the Full: The Practical &
Powerful Writings of James, Peter, John & Jude. Practical Exposition. Woburn:
Discipleship Publications International, 1995.
- Johnson, Earl S., Jr. James; First & Second Peter;
First, Second, & Third John; Jude. Basic Bible Commentary. Nashville:
Abingdon, 1994.
- Johnson, Thomas Floyd. "The Antithesis of the Elder: A
Study of the Dualistic Language of the Johannine Epistles." Dissertation: Duke University,
1979; (UMI microfilm, 1980).
- Johnson, Thomas Floyd. 1, 2, and 3 John. New International
Biblical Commentary, 17. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1993; Carlise, Cumbria: Paternoster,
- Jones, Russell Bradley. The Epistles of James, John,
and Jude. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1960.
- King, Guy H. The Fellowship: An Expositional and Devotional
Study of 1 John. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1954.
- Kistemaker, Simon J. Exposition of the Epistle of James
and the Epistles of John. NT Commentary. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986.
- Krodel, Gerhard A. The General Letters: Hebrews, James,
1-2 Peter, Jude, 1-3 John. Proclamation Commentaries. Minneapolis: Fortress,
- Kysar, Robert. I, II, III John. Augsburg Commentary
on the NT. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1986.
- Lanier, Roy H., Jr. The Epistles
of John. Abilene: Quality Publ., 1992.
- Lapide, Cornelius á. The Great Commentary of
Cornelius á Lapide. Translated by Thomas Wimberly Mossman and
George Gould Ross. London: John Hodges, 1876-87; 3rd ed. 1891-96;
microform, 1986.
- Law, Robert. The Test of Life: A Study of the First
Epistle of John. Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark, 1909.
- Leathes, Stanley. The Witness of St. John to Christ:
Being the Boyle Lectures for 1870, with an Appendix on the Authorship and Integrity
of St. John's Gospel and the Unity of the Johannine Writings. London:
Rivingtons, 1870; microform, 1985.
- Lewis, E. Ridley. The Johannine Writings and Other
Epistles. London Divinity Series. London: James Clarke, 1964.
- Lewis, Greville Priestley. The Johannine Epistles.
London: Epworth, 1961.
- Lieu, Judith, and John Kenneth Riches. The Second
and Third Epistles of John: History and Background. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark,
- Lieu, Judith. The Theology of the Johannine Epistles.
NT Theology. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
- Lincoln, William. Lectures on the Epistles of St. John.
Boston: Believers' Book-Rooms, 1871; microform, 1985.
- Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. Fellowship with God. Studies
in First John, 1. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1992.
- Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. Walking with God. Studies
in First John, 2. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1993.
- Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. Children of God. Studies
in First John, 3. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1993.
- Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. The Love of God. Studies
in First John, 4. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1994.
- Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. Life in God. Studies in
First John, 5. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1994.
- Loader, William R. G. The Johannine Epistles. London:
Epworth, 1992.
- Love, Julian Price. The First, Second, and Third Letters
of John; The Letter of Jude; The Revelation to John. Richmond, VA: John Knox,
- Lovett, C. S. Lovett's Lights on First John: With Rephrased
Text. Baldwin Park, CA: Personal Christianity, 1966.
- Lücke, Friedrich, and T. G. Repp. A Commentary
on the Epistles of St. John. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 1837; microform, 1989.
- MacDonald, James M., and John Saul
Howson. The Life and Writings of St. John. New York: Scribner Armstrong,
1877; microform, 1985.
- Manson, Thomas Walter. On Paul and John: Some Selected
Theological Themes. Studies in Biblical Theology, 38. Naperville, IL: A. R.
Allenson, 1963.
- Marshall, I. Howard. The Epistles of John. NICNT.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978.
- Martin, Raymond A. Syntax Criticism of Johannine Literature,
the Catholic Epistles, and the Gospel Passion Accounts. Lewiston, NY:
Mellen, 1989.
- Maurice, Frederick Denison. The Epistles of St. John:
A Series of Lectures on Christian Ethics. London; New York: Macmillan, 1881;
repr. 1893; microform, 1989.
- Maynard, Michael. A History of the Debate over 1 John
5, 7-8: A Tracing of the Longevity of the Comma Johanneum, with Evaluations of Arguments
against Its Authenticity. Tempe: Comma, 1995.
- McGee, J. Vernon. I John. Thru the Bible Commentary,
56. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997.
- McGee, J. Vernon. II & III John. Thru the Bible
Commentary, 57. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991.
- McGinn, Linda. Seeing Jesus: 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John. Women
in the Word. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994.
- Miranda, José Porfirio. Being and the Messiah: The
message of St. John. Translation of Ser y el Mesías by John Eagleson.
Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1977. [also on the Gospel]
- Morgan, Charles Herbert. John, the Interpreter of Christ:
St. John and His Writings. New York; Cincinnati: Methodist Book Concern, 1921.
[also on the Gospel]
- Morton, A. Q., and S. Michaelson. The Johannine
Epistles: A Critical Concordance. Edinburgh(?): Biblical Research Associates,
- O'Neill, J. C. The Puzzle of 1
John: A New Examination of Origins. London: SPCK, 1966.
- Painter, John. The Quest for the Messiah: The History,
Literature and Theology of the Johannine Community. Edinburgh: T&T Clark,
1991. [also on the Gospel]
- Palmer, Earl F. 1, 2, 3 John, Revelation. Waco,
TX: Word, 1982.
- Pentecost, J. Dwight. The Joy of Fellowship: A Study
of First John. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990.
- Pentecost, J. Dwight. The Joy of Intimacy with God:
A Bible Study Guide to I John. Grand Rapids: Discovery, 1996.
- Perkins, Pheme. The Johannine Epistles. NT Message,
21. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1979.
- Plummer, Alfred. The Epistles of S. John, with Introduction
and Appendices. Cambridge: University Press, 1894; repr. 1938; microform 1985.
- Purchas, H. T. Johannine Problems and Modern Needs.
London; New York: Macmillan, 1901; microform, 1985.
- Ramsay, A. The Revelation and the Johannine Epistles.
The Westminster NT. New York; London: Fleming H. Revell; A. Melrose, 1910.
- Rensberger, David K. 1 John, 2 John, 3 John. Abingdon
NT Commentaries. Nashville: Abingdon, 1997. -- REVIEW
by K. Grayston in RBL 11/98
- Richards, W. Larry. The Classification of the Greek
Manuscripts of the Johannine Epistles. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1977.
- Roberts, J. W. The Letters of John. Austin, TX:
R. B. Sweet, 1968.
- Ross, Alexander. The Epistles of James and John.
NICNT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1954; repr. 1960, 1972.
- Sawtelle, Henry A. Commentary on
the Epistles of John. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1888;
microform, 1988.
- Schmiedel, Paul Wilhelm, and Maurice Arthur Canney.
The Johannine Writings. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1908; microform,
- Schnackenburg, Rudolf. The Johannine Epistles: Introduction
and Commentary. Trans. by Reginald & Ilse Fuller. New York: Crossroad, 1992.
- Schoville, Keith. Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter,
1, 2, 3 John, & Jude. Genesis to Revelation. Nashville: Abingdon, 1997.
- Segovia, Fernando F. Love Relationships in the Johannine
Tradition: agapē/agapan in I John and the Fourth Gospel. Chico,
CA: Scholars Press, 1982.
- Simpson, A. B. Messages of Love, or, Christ in the Epistles
of John. Nyack: Christian Alliance, 1900; microform, 1992.
- Sloyan, Gerard Stephen. Walking in the Truth: Perseverers
and Deserters: The First, Second, and Third Letters of John. NT in Context.
Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1995.
- Smalley, Stephen S. 1, 2, 3 John. Waco, TX: Word,
- Smith, D. Moody. First, Second, and Third John.
Interpretation Commentary Series. Louisville: John Knox, 1991.
- Springer, J. Arthur. The Father's Family: Studies in
the Epistle of I John. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1962.
- Stevens, George Barker. The Johannine Theology: A Study
of the Doctrinal Contents of the Gospel and Epistles of the Apostle John.
New York: Charles Scribner, 1894, 1904; microform, 1985.
- Stott, John R. W. The Epistles of John: An Introduction
and Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1960; Leicester, England: InterVarsity
Press, 1964; repr. often.
- Stott, John R. W. The Letters of John: An Introduction
and Commentary. 2nd ed. Tyndale NT Commentaries, 19. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans;
Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 1988.
- Strecker, Georg. The Johannine Letters: A Commentary
on 1, 2, and 3 John. Hermeneia Commentary Series. Trans. by Linda M. Maloney;
ed. by Harold W. Attridge. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1996. -- REVIEW
by D. Moody Smith in RBL 4/98
- Talbert, Charles H. Reading John:
A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine
Epistles. Reading the NT. New York: Crossroad, 1992.
- Taylor, Michael J., ed. A Companion to John: Readings
in Johannine Theology (John's Gospel and Epistles). New York: Alba House,
- Thompson, Marianne Meye. 1-3 John. Downers Grove,
IL: InterVarsity Press, 1992.
- Thüsing, Wilhelm, and Alois Stöger. The
Three Epistles of St. John. London: Sheed & Ward, 1971.
- Vine, W. E. The Epistles of John: Light, Love, Life.
London: Oliphants, 1965.
- Von Wahlde, Urban C. The Johannine Commandments: 1 John
and the Struggle for the Johannine Tradition. New York: Paulist, 1990.
- Wagner, Günter. An Exegetical
Bibliography of the New Testament: John and 1, 2, 3 John. Macon, GA:
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- Wagner, Günter. An Exegetical Bibliography on
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- Ward, Ronald Arthur. The Epistles of John and Jude:
A Study Manual. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1965.
- Westcott, Brooke Foss. The Epistles of St. John: The
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- Westcott, Brooke Foss. The Epistles of St. John: The
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- White, R. E. O. Open Letter to Evangelicals: A Devotional
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- Williams, R. R. The Letters of John and James: Commentary
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- Wilson, Marvin R. A Workbook for New Testament Greek:
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- Wijngaards, John. The Gospel of John and His
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- Womack, Morris. 1, 2 & 3 John. NIV Commentary.
Joplin: College, 1998.
- Zodhiates, Spiros. The Epistles of John: An Exegetical
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- (no author). 1st John: The Test of Faith. Depth Bible
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- (no author). Faithfulness: Walking in the Light, Studies from
1st John. Deeper Bible Study. Littleton: Serendipity, 1998.
- (no author) Studies in the Johannine Letters. Pretoria:
New Testament Society of South Africa, 1981.
Foreign Language Publications from 1800 to 1999:
- Asmussen, Hans. Warheit und Liebe: Eine Einführung
in die Johannesbriefe. Hamburg: Furche, 1957.
- Augenstein, Jörg. Das Liebesgebot im Johannesevangelium
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- Augustine, Saint Bishop of Hippo. Commentaire de la
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75. Ed. by Paul Agaësse. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1961.
- Balz, Horst R. and Wolfgang Schrage.
Die Katholischen Briefe: Die Briefe des Jakobus, Petrus, Johannes und Judas.
NTD 10. 4th ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993.
- Belser, Joh. Evang. Die Briefe des heiligen Johannes.
Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1906; microform, 1992.
- Bonsirven, Joseph. Épitres de Saint Jean. Verbum
Salutis: Commentaire du Nouveau Testament, 9. Paris: Beauchesne, 1936; new ed. 1954.
- Boor, Werner de. Die Briefe des Johannes. Wuppertal:
Brockhaus, 1974.
- Bretschneider, Karl Gottlieb. Probabilia de evangelii
et epistolarum Joannis, Apostoli, indole et origine: eruditorum judiciis. Leipzig:
Johannes Ambrosius Barthius, 1820.
- Büchsel, Friedrich. Der Begriff der Wahrheit in
dem Evangelium und den Briefen des Johannes. Gütersloh: C. Bertelsmann,
1911; microform, 1993.
- Büchsel, Friedrich. Die Johannesbriefe. Leipzig:
Deichert, 1933.
- Brown, Raymond E. El evangelio según San Juan
y epístolas joánicas. Introducción y comentario. Santander:
Sal Terrae, 1965.
- Bultmann, Rudolf Karl. Analyse des ersten Johannesbriefes.
Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1927.
- Bultmann, Rudolf Karl. Die drei Johannesbriefe.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1967.
- Cothenet, Edouard. Les Ecrits de s. Jean et l'Epître
aux Hébreux. Paris: Desclée, 1984.
- Dalbesio, Anselmo. Quello che
abbiamo udito e veduto: l'esperienze cristiana nella Prima lettera di Giovanni.
Bologna: Dehoniane, 1990.
- Delebecque, Édouard. Epîtres de Jean.
Paris: Gabalda, 1988.
- Dietrich, Suzanne de. Les lettres johanniques: bref
commentaire pour groupes d'études. Geneva: Labor et Fides, 1964.
- Ebrard, Johannes Heinrich August. Die Briefe Johannis.
Biblischer Commentar über sämmtliche Schriften des Neuen Testaments, 6:4.
Konigsberg: Unzer, 1859.
- Fillion, Louis-Claude. Saint Jean l'Evangéliste:
sa vie & ses écrits. Paris: Gabriel Beauchesne, 1907; microform,
- Frommann, G. Karl. Der johanneische Lehrbegriff in seinem
Verhältnisse zur gesammten biblisch-christlichen Lehre. Leipzig: Breitkopf
und Härtel, 1839; microform, 1989.
- Gaugler, Ernst, and Henning Kampen. Die Johannesbriefe.
Zürich: EVZ, 1964.
- Giurisato, Giorgio. Struttura e Teologia della Prima
Lettera di Giovanni: Analisi Letteraria e Retorica, Contenuto Teologico. Roma:
Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1998. [also on the Gospel]
- Heinze, André. Johannesapokalypse und johanneischen
Schriften: Forschungs- und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. BWANT 142.
Stuttgart/Berlin/Cologne: Kohlhammer, 1998. -- REVIEW
by Craig R. Koester in RBL 2/00
- Hélou, Clémence. Symbole et langage dans
les écrits johanniques: lumière-ténèbres. Paris:
Mame, 1980.
- Hengel, Martin, and Jörg Frey. Die johanneische
Frage: Ein Lösungsversuch. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1993.
- Hilgenfeld, Adolf. Das Evangelium und die Briefe Johannis.
Halle: C.A. Schwetschke, 1849; microform, 1989.
- Hjelt, Arthur. De Johanneiska småbrefvens ursprung:
undersökt med särskild hänsyn till presbyterhypotesen: akademisk
afhandling. Helsingfors [Helsinki]: Frenckellska Tryckeri-Aktiebolaget, 1901;
microform, 1985.
- Huther, Johann Eduard. Kritisch-exegetisches Handbuch
über die drei Briefe des Johannes. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht,
1861; repr. 1868.
- Hümpel, Johann Ludwig Ernst. "De errore christologico
in Epistolis Ioannis impugnato eiusque auctore: Quaestio historicocritica."
Dissertation: Universität Erlangen Dissertationen, v. 22, no. 7. Typis F. Iunge,
1897; microform, 1994.
- Klauck, Hans-Josef. Die Johannesbriefe. Darmstadt:
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1991.
- La Potterie, Ignace de. La Vérité
dans Saint Jean. 2nd ed. Rome: Editrice Pontifico Istituto Biblico, 1999.
[also on the Gospel]
- Lauck, Willibald. Das Evangelium und die Briefe des
heiligen Johannes. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1941.
- Loisy, Alfred Firmin. Le quatrième évangile;
Les épitres dites de Jean. Paris: E. Nourry, 1921.
- Luther, Martin. Das Magnifikat. Vorlesung über
den 1. Johannesbrief. München: Siebenstern, 1968.
- Makrakes, Apostolos. Hermeneia kata platos kai vathos
eis to kata Ioannen Hagion Euangelion. Orthodoxos Christianikos Syllogos "Ioannes
ho Vaptistes." Athens: [s.n.], 1961.
- Müller, Karl. Göttliches Wissen und göttliche
Macht des Johanneischen Christus: ein Beitrag zur Lösung der Johanneischen
Frage. Freiburg im Breisgau; St. Louis: Herder, 1882.
- Omodeo, Adolfo. La mistica Giovannea: saggio critico
con nuova traduzione dei testi. Bari: Laterza, 1930.
- Prete, Benedetto. Lettre di Giovanni. Rome: Edizioni
Paoline, 1970.
- Rábanos Espinosa, Ricardo,
and Domingo Muñoz León. Bibliografía Joánica:
Evangelo, Cartas y Apocalipsis 1960-1986. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas, 1990.
- Renner, Frumentius. Verkannte Kostbarkeiten des Neuen
Testamentes: Literarkritische Studien. St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag Erzabtei St.
Ottilien, 1992.
- Ruckstuhl, Eugen. Jakobusbrief, 1.-3. Johannesbrief.
Würzburg: Echter, 1985.
- Rusam, Dietrich. Die Gemeinschaft der Kinder Gottes:
Das Motiv der Gotteskindschaft und die Gemeinden der johanneischen Briefe. Stuttgart:
Kohlhammer, 1993.
- Schlatter, Adolf von. Die Briefe
und die Offenbarung des Johannes. Schlatters Erlauterungen zum Neuen Testament,
10. Stuttgart: Calwer Verlag, 1950.
- Schlatter, Adolf von. Der Jakobusbrief und die Johannisbriefe:
Ausgelegt für Bibelleser. Calw: Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1893; microform, 1992.
- Schmiedel, Paul Wilhelm. Evangelium, Briefe und Offenbarung
des Johannes nach ihrer Entstehung und Bedeutung. Halle: Gebauer-Schwetschke;
Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1906.
- Schmithals, Walter. Johannesevangelium und Johannesbriefe:
Forschungsgeschichte und Analyse. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992.
- Schnackenburg, Rudolf. Die Johannesbriefe. Herders
Theologischer Kommentar zum NT, 13.3. Freiburg: Herder, 1953; repr. 1963, 1975,
- Schrenck, Erich von. Die Johanneische Anschauung vom
"Leben": mit Berücksichtigung ihrer Vorgeschichte. Leipzig: A. Deichert
(Georg Böhme), 1898; microform, 1985.
- Schunack, Gerd. Die Briefe des Johannes. Zürich:
Theologischer Verlag, 1982.
- Schütz, Wilhelm. Die Briefe des Johannes. Kassel:
J. G. Oncken, 1954.
- Sinate, Lalthankhum. Thuthlung thar hrilfiena: Johan
I, II, III le Juda [A Commentary on the Epistles of John & Jude].
Churachandpur: Independent Church of India, 1965.
- Strecker, Georg. Die Johannesbriefe. Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989.
- Theobald, Michael. Die Fleischwerdung
des Logos: Studien zum Verhältnis des Johannesprologs zum Corpus des Evangeliums
und zu 1 Joh. Münster: Aschendorff, 1988.
- Thiele, Walter. Wortschatzuntersuchungen zu den lateinischen
Texten der Johannesbriefe. Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel, 2. Freiburg:
Herder, 1958.
- Titius, Arthur. Die johanneische Anschauung unter dem
Gesichtspunkt der Seligkeit. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1900; microform, 1989.
- Tragan, Pius-Ramon. Fede e sacramenti negli scritti
giovannei: atti del Convegno di teologia sacramentaria, Roma, 23-25 maggio 1983.
Rome: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, 1985.
- Vannini, Francesco. 1-2-3 Giovanni.
Brescia: Queriniana, 1998.
- Vogler, Werner. Die Briefe des Johannes. Leipzig:
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1993.
- Vouga, François. Die Johannesbriefe. Tübingen:
J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1990.
- Weiss, Bernhard. Die drei Briefe des Apostel Johannes.
6th edition. Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament,
14. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1899; microform, 1985.
- Wendt, Hans Hinrich. Die Johannesbriefe und das johanneische
Christentum. Halle (Salle): Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses Franckesche Stiftungen,
- Wengst, Klaus. Der erste, zweite und dritte Brief des
Johannes. Gütersloh: Gerd Mohn; Würzburg: Echter, 1978.
Selected Older Publications (pre-1800; English and other
- Alleine, Richard. The World Conquered, or, A Believers
Victory over the World: Laid Open in Several Sermons on I John 5.4. London:
[s.n.], 1668; London: Printed for Peter Parker..., 1676; microform, 1962.
- Althamer, Andreas. Auslegung der zwo letzten Episteln
Johanis des Theologi. Gedruckt zu Nürnberg: durch Friderich Peypus, 1528.
- Barne, Miles. A Sermon Preached before the King at Newmarket
April 24, 1670. London: Printed by John Hayes..., 1670; microform, 1977.
- Battely, John. A Sermon Preach'd before the Queen in
Christ-Church, Canterbury, May iv. 1694. London: Printed by Tho. Warren for
Walter Kettilby..., 1694; microform, 1978.
- Binning, Hugh. Fellowship with God, or, XXVIII Sermons
on the I Epistle of John, chap. 1 and 2: Wherein the True Ground and Foundation
of Attaining the Spiritual Way of Intertaining Fellowship with the Father and the
Son, and the Blessed Condition of such as Attain to It, Are Most Succinctly and
Lucidly Explained. Edinburgh: Printed by George Swintoun and James Glen, 1671;
microform, 1974.
- Bréval, Monsieur de. La foy victorieuse du monde
dans les justes: sermon presche a las savoye dans l'eglise françoise le dimanche,
10. jour d'Octobre 1669. Londres: Imprimé par T. N. pour Will. Nott...,
1670; microform, 1975.
- Cotton, John. Christ the Fountaine of Life, or, Sundry
Choyce Sermons on Part of the Fift Chapter of the First Epistle of St. John.
London: Printed by Robert Ibbitson, 1651; microform, 1977.
- Cotton, John, and Christopher Scott. A Practical
Commentary, or, An Exposition with Observations, Reasons, and Vses upon the First
Epistle Generall of John. London: Printed by R.I. and E.C. for Thomas Parkhurst,
1656; microform, 1982.
- Dell, William. The Tryal of Spirits both in Teachers
and Hearers: Wherein is Held Forth the Clear Discovery and Certain Downfal of the
Carnal and Anti-Christian Clergy of These Nations. London: Gilles Calvert, 1660;
microform, 1983.
- Freeman, Samuel. A Sermon Preach'd before the Queen
at Whitehall, December the 10th, 1693. London: Printed for Ric. Chiswell...,
1694; microform, 1981.
- Hemmingsen, Niels. Commentarii in S. Iohannis apostoli
epistolas. Witebergae: Clemens Schleich & Antonios Schöne, 1569; microform,
- Howard, John. The Trinity Asserted: A Sermon Preach'd
before the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, at the Cathedral Church
of St. Paul, upon Trinity-Sunday, Anno Dom. 1700. London: Printed for J. Lawrence,
1700; microform, 1974.
- Lorin, Jean de. In catholicas tres B. Ioannis, &
duas B. Petri Epistolas commentarij. Lvgdvni: Sumptibus Horatij Cardon, 1609.
- Martin, David, and Samuel Jebb. A Critical Dissertation
upon the Seventh Verse of the Fifth Chapter of St. John's First Epistle: there Are
Three that Bear Record in Heaven, &c.: wherein the Authentickness of this Text
is Fully Prov'd against the Objections of Mr. Simon and the Modern Arians. London:
Printed for William and John Innys..., 1719.
- Pierce, Thomas. A Seasonable Caveat against the Dangers
of Credulity in our Trusting the Spirits before We Try Them: Delivered in a Sermon
before the King at White-Hall on the First Sunday in February, 1678/9. London:
Printed by E.F. for R. Davis..., 1679; microform, 1981.
- Pittis, Thomas. An Old Way of Ending New Controversies:
In a Sermon Preached to the Comptroller, and the Rest of the Gentlemen of the Honourable
Society of the Inner-Temple, on Sunday the 8th of January 1681/2, and at Their Special
Desire Printed. London: Printed by J.R. for Joanna Brome..., 1682; microform,
- Roberts, Francis. Believers Evidences for Eternall Life:
Collected out of the First Epistle of John which is Catholique: Explained and Confirmed
by Very Many Subservient Signes, or Undernotes Grounded upon Scriptures and Illustrated
by Testimonies Both of Ancient Fathers and Modern Writers Whereby Persons Truly
Regenerate May Divers Wayes Discover Their Present State of Grace and Title unto
Glory. London: Printed by T.R. and E.M. for George Calvert..., 1648; 2nd
edition 1655; microform, 1983.
- Royse, George. A Sermon Preach'd before the King and
Queen at White-Hall, on the 28th of December, 1690. London: Printed for Samuel
Crouch..., 1691; microform 1981.
- Salt, William, and George Fox. Some Breathings
of Life, from a Naked Heart: Presented in Love to the Honest, Upright, and Single-Hearted,
that They, with Me May Wait to Feel the Immediate Drawings, and Leadings of the
Holy Spirit in All Things... so that They Need Not Any Man to Teach Them, 1 Joh.
2. 27, with an Epistle for Peace and Unity. London: [s.n.], 1663; microform,
- Shaw, Samuel. The True Christians Test, or, A Discovery
of the Love and Lovers of the World. London: Printed by Thomas James for Samuel
Tidmarsh..., 1682; microform, 1985.
- Smith, Samuel. A Looking-Glass for Saints and Sinners,
or, An Exposition on the Second Epistle of Saint John: A Most Needfull Treatise
for These Apostatizing Times Wherein We Live, Fit to Be Read, but Practised by All
Christians. London: Printed by W. W. for Nathaniel Brookes, 1663; microform,
- Stratford, Nicholas. Of the Faith Which Overcometh the
World: A Sermon Preach'd at Hempsted in Hartfordshire on Sunday, April 14, 1700.
London: Printed for John King, 1700; microform, 1982.
- Talbot, William. The Spirit of Popery Tryed, Whether
It Be of God: A Sermon Preached before the King at Whitehall, upon the Fifth of
November, 1699. London: Printed for Tho. Bennet..., 1699; microform 1980.
- Tillotson, John. A Sermon Preached before the King,
Febr. 25th, 1675/6. London: Printed by A. Maxwell for Edward Gellibrand...,
1676; microform, 1975.
- Tillotson, John. A Sermon Preached at White-hall, April
the 4th, 1679. London: Printed for Brabazon Aylmer and William Rogers..., 1679;
microform, 1975.
- Tyler, John. A Sermon Preach'd before the Queen, at
White-Hall: March xxiii, 1693/4. London: Printed by Tho. Warren for Walter Kettilby...,
1694; microform, 1978.
- Tyndale, William. The exposition of the fyrste, seconde,
and thyrde canonical Epistles of S. Jhon wyth a prologe before it. Southwarke:
Printed by James Nicolson, 1538.
- Whiston, William. A Commentary On the Three Catholick
Epistles of St. John: In Agreement with the Ancientest Records of Christianity Now
Extant. London: Printed for J. Senex at the Globe in Salisbury-Court and W.
Taylor at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, 1719.

The Johannine Literature Web was created and is maintained by
Felix Just, S.J.
This page was last updated on March 5, 2006
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